Online Quran for Kids most Convenient Way to Learn

Who knew that the holy book of Islam, known as the Quran, could be studied in an online, remote manner? With so many great study tools available on the internet, it only makes sense that you would be able to learn Quran online for kids from any location in the world. But how can you know if this online madrasa is any good? You may have heard rumors or read testimonials from their students in order to get an idea, but these are all based on personal experience and could be biased.

Trojan Horse Extremism Affair who hit a group of Birmingham schools this summer and ongoing investigations, has caused suspicion among Muslim parents, teachers, and students in the UK. News from the Inspectorate Student School that the action plan is implemented in five Birmingham schools that are considered to fail are still “not suitable for the purpose of” can increase further tension.

Peter Clarke, a former head of terrorism who was recruited to investigate accusations in Birmingham, concluded in his final report that several practices about practices occurred in certain schools, such as harassment of teachers and the principal’s intimidation to be forced because they were considered Islamic extremism. He recently spoke to claim that what he found was “only the summit of the iceberg”.

I condemn this practice. But I got criticism of Clarke’s report, which came from the body of my research about the schools of Muslim faith in the UK that focused on how these schools socialized Muslim students and, by doing that, how schools like that “to Islamize” residents British state “England” curriculum.

Contrary to Clarke’s report – which helps trigger the introduction of new rules about teaching English values ​​- the Islamic curriculum that I observe in this action aims to promote the harmony between the goals of national education and Muslim beliefs.

Teaching at the Muslim Faith School

My research is mainly based on independent Muslim faith schools, which teach national curriculum in addition to Islamic subjects, while schools are reportedly affected in the affairs of the Trojan horse, especially those funded by the state and secular.

The school where I conducted my main ethnographic study – which was not named because of the ethical and secret of my research and did not exist in Birmingham – using the national curriculum, and the Islamic and Islamic curriculum.

In this special school, the national curriculum covers 80% of the total school teaching. The rest of the teaching is based on the Islamic curriculum and consists of teaching Arabic, tajweed (reading the Qur’an and memorizing), Islamic studies and several worship sessions (worship). It consists of two and a half hours of teaching per day, accommodated by a long school day.

Islamic curriculum

Islamic curriculum embedded in the overall teaching in schools. Obviously the way teachers try to integrate Islamic education with several aspects of the national curriculum, and in the “Islamic ethos” of schools.

The lessons of “Islamized” teachers to bring Islamic interpretation from the topics taught in the national curriculum. For example, when teaching reproduction in science lessons, a teacher discusses embryological references in the Qur’an. He quoted several verses from Al -Qur’an – Surah 39, verse 6, Surah 23 verse 13, 14 – which explained the process of developing embryos.

I also found cases where differences were between the perspective of the Islamic and national curriculum, for example evolution and creationism. The teacher teaches such topics by discussing contrasting perspectives and students who are expected to contemplate both.

Prayer is mandatory. The school building is covered with Islamic displays and Muslim women do not shake hands with men. Talks at the Assembly strengthened the Muslim Brotherhood Public Message, in the context of expanding support for those who were in war countries or crises hit by a crisis.

Of course, the above practices are not expected to occur at this level in non-religious schools and I condemn that they are forced to be used in several public schools that have non-religious characters in Birmingham.

Not just ‘Sunni Hardlines’

Islamikization of the curriculum in any school is a complex phenomenon. I did not find an understanding of what is “Islamising” or “Islamicising” from the curriculum, with various opinions throughout the school and even between parents, students and teachers in the same school.

How to learn online Quran for kids with online madrasa

There are plenty of ways to learn online Quran for kids, but none may be as convenient as using an online madrasa. Online madrasas will provide you with a live instructor over Skype or another video chat platform. This means you can learn online Qur’an without missing any school or family time—it’s easier than driving your child around on a weekend morning

By Cary Grant

Cary Grant, the enigmatic wordsmith hailing from the UK, is a literary maestro known for unraveling the intricacies of life's myriad questions. With a flair for delving into countless niches, Grant captivates readers with his insightful perspectives on issues that resonate with millions. His prose, a symphony of wit and wisdom, transcends boundaries, offering a unique lens into the diverse tapestry of human curiosity. Whether exploring the complexities of culture, unraveling philosophical conundrums, or addressing the everyday mysteries that perplex us all, Cary Grant's literary prowess transforms the ordinary into extraordinary, making him a beacon of intellectual exploration.

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